Total Knee Replacement
Your knee is a large, complex joint. It lets you bend your legs and can withstand forces up to eight times your body weight when you run or squat down to pick something up.
Three bones make up your knee joint: the bottom of your thigh, the top of your skin and your kneecap. A layer of slippery tissue called cartilage covers the ends of these bones, so they glide against each other. When disease or injury breaks this cartilage down, many begin to experience pain, weakness and reduced function.
If knee pain or a knee injury is taking away your mobility and independence, it may be time to consider a total knee replacement surgery. After a thorough evaluation, your orthopaedic surgeon will discuss with you whether total knee replacement is the best method to relieve your pain and improve your function. Other treatment options – including medications, injections, physical therapy, or other types of surgery – will also be considered and discussed.
Joint replacement surgery is a safe and effective procedure to relieve pain, correct leg deformity and help you resume normal activities. Total knee replacements have been performed successfully at all ages, from young teenagers with juvenile arthritis to older patients with degenerative arthritis.
The procedure itself takes approximately 1 to 2 hours. Your orthopaedic surgeon will remove the damaged cartilage and bone, and then position the new metal and plastic implants to restore the alignment and function of your knee.
After surgery, you will feel some pain. This is a natural part of the healing process. Medications are often prescribed for short-term pain relief. Foot and ankle movement is also encouraged immediately following surgery to increase blood flow in your leg muscles to help prevent leg swelling and blood clots. Most patients begin exercising their knee the day after surgery. Physical therapy is an extremely important part of rehabilitation and requires full participation by the patient for an optimal outcome. Patients can begin physical therapy 48 hours after surgery. In some cases, patients begin moving their knee on the actual day of surgery.
Meet the Providers
Fellowship-trained and board-certified, our dedicated team of physicians offer expert orthopedic and sports medicine care.